MEETING FACILITATION: Our facilitation promotes focus and accountability for progress resulting in meetings that engage people to contribute, make decisions and learn.

alt_01221Organizations convene meetings to get important work accomplished; however, people complain frequently that meetings are a waste of time. As experienced leaders and behavioral scientists, we help insure that meeting time is used productively; that everyone has a chance to participate; that important decisions get made; and that leaders are free to fully engage in the discussion. Plus everyone gets to learn facilitation skills by observing us in action. Based on careful planning with the leader, we facilitate meetings that actively engage people to contribute and to learn.

We specialize in the following applications of facilitation, whether with two people or a large group:

  • New Team Launch and Startup – a good beginning can help a lot!
  • Leadership Retreats – get work done and build ongoing collaboration
  • Team Development and Renewal – teams need periodic attention to succeed
  • Leadership Transitions – managing the change from one leader to another is a critical challenge in today’s organizations
  • Virtual Team Effectiveness – in today’s electronic world, teams that rarely meet face-to-face need help
  • Conflict Resolution – even if the issue has been festering for a long time, it is usually possible to get resolution and move on
  • Strategic Planning – a good plan makes it possible to set direction and ensure action steps get implemented
  • Managing Diversity – effective meetings can foster inclusion and reinforce a commitment to diversity

SPEECHES: We present innovative and practical strategies for leaders to put to immediate use on the job.

Lively and informative speeches at conferences and meetings can stimulate new ideas. We offer “best practices” on relevant topics that provide practical strategies for leaders to put into immediate use. We specialize in topics like the following:

  • What Are the Keys to Creating a Culture of Collaboration?
  • After Big Change, How Can We Renew Our Energy and Optimism for the Future?
  • Find and Cultivate a Great Mentor
  • Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Management and Creativity
  • Secrets to Successful Professional Partnerships
  • Take Charge of Your Career in New Ways
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